[Javascript] ES6 — var, let and const

4 min readJun 6, 2017


在ES6的語法中,多了 letconst 2種宣告變數與常數的語法。他們和 var 的差別在於, var 是 function scoped,而 letconst 是 block scoped。

let points = 50;
let winner = false;
if(points > 40) {
let winner = true;
> winner
<- false

上面的程式中,因爲 let是 block scoped,所以if裡面的winner和外面的winner是不同的變數。而在同一個scope下,同樣名稱的 letconst 只能宣告一次。

const 是用來宣告常數,而值是不能改變的:

const MY_AGE = 27;
MY_AGE = 20; // this will throw an error
console.log('my age is: ' + MY_AGE); // 27


const person = {
name: 'Peyton',
age: 18
> person = { age: 38 }
<- Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
> person.age = 38
<- 38
> person.age
<- 38

如果要強迫屬性也不能改變,可以使用 freeze

const peyton = Object.freeze(person)

以往使用 var 宣告時,爲了防止和global scoped的變數互相影響,需使用Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE),將 var 變數包在function的scope中。

(function() {
var name ='Peyton';

但在ES6中,因爲 letconst 是 block scoped 所以可以使用

const name = 'Peyton';

let 範例

以往使用 var 宣告 loop 裡的變數時,可能會產生下面問題

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
console.log(`The number is ${i}`)
}, 1000);
<- (10)The number is 10

改用 let

for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
console.log(`The number is ${i}`)
}, 1000);
<- The number is 0
<- The number is 1
<- The number is 2
<- The number is 3
<- The number is 4
<- The number is 5
<- The number is 6
<- The number is 7
<- The number is 8
<- The number is 9

Dead Zone


const pizza = 'Margherita';
<- Uncaught ReferenceError: pizza is not defined

var, let and const 的使用時機

  • use const by default
  • only use let if rebinding is needed
  • (var shouldn't be used in ES6)





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